
What does optometry include?

The basic optometric examination tests your vision and eye health. It is aimed to yield an eyeglasses prescription and includes measurement of the dioptric value of the eye (objective and subjective refraction procedures), binocular (stereo) vision analysis as well as near-vision measurement (including proximity astigmatism test).

A more thorough examination of the internal and external status of your eyes may be required. Our comprehensive eye examination includes, but is not limited to, examination of the front eye segment (via biomicroscopy), eye pressure measurement, corneal topography and eye muscle balance and focusing.

Why do we need optometry?




Intense work
with computer screen

Other specific

Additional services

color recognition

by night

Conunseling about
vision diet

contrast vision


Prescribing contact lenses

We specialize in the prescription and fitting of all types of contact lenses – both soft and rigid (RGP). Our contact lens exam includes all the regular components of our optometric examination, plus topographically-guided contour mapping of the cornea and numerous digital measurements. We measure iris diameter of each individual eye, and check your body’s ability to produce tear quantity and quality. We check for proper fit and comfort. At the conclusion of the exam, we will explain the results of the tests and make recommendations for soft or rigid (RGP) contact lenses. We also provide training in proper lens care, insertion and removal procedures as well as troubleshooting techniques.

Optika Vitrum is proud to offer individual designs of Hecht and Menicon soft and hard contact lenses. Every lens is made from modern materials, which meet your physiological and anatomic requirements, and ensure the best possible vision correction.

We also specialize in contact lens fitting for irregular corneas (keratoconus).

Placing, removing, cleaning and storing contact lenses properly is extremely important
as improper use can lead to complications.

Learn more in our video instructions for contact lenses handling.

Applying soft contact lenses

Applying hard contact lenses


Optika Vitrum